Free and Reduced Meal Information
School meals are a convenience for families and a great value with the variety and quantity of foods offered. All students have access to one free breakfast but there is a charge for a lunch. Based on income, some families pay full price for a meal, some families pay a reduced meal price and some families pay nothing for a lunch. If a family is enrolled in income based state programs (such as FoodShare or BadgerCare) then more than likely they have been directly certified and eligible for a lunch at a reduced or free meal price. Families who are not enrolled in one of these programs should fill out a free/reduced meal application. Paper applications can be printed at any school office or found online (find links below) for printing at home or to apply online (an EduTrak account needs to be active in order to do so).
Please contact Amy Lautenbach or Jenny Spude for more information on applying or for general questions. or 920.746.3876 or 920.746.3877
Online Application for Free and Reduced SY 24 25 |
Apply online at the link above. If you previously did not create a family account, please follow the instructions to begin the setup process. Once you login, click "Apply for Free/Reduced Benefits" (blue box). |